Dr. Brian is originally from Denver, CO and spent many winters and summers in Grand County while growing up. Dr. Brian had a deep fondness for skiing, mountain biking, snowshoeing, and soccer. Dr. Brian graduated from Arvada West High School, attended UC Boulder and graduated with a BA in Music where he was a Music Composition major. Brian also earned an elementary teaching certificate while at UC Boulder and taught 3-6th grade at Fairmount Elementary and Kendallvue Elementary in Jefferson County. While teaching, Brian was motivated to become a doctor and practice medicine because teaching and medicine are very similar- both trying to make kids lives better. He also likes the challenge of medicine because it is ever-changing and he loves learning new things. Dr. Brian loves helping not just children but families are healthy as well. He has played the piano for many years. He met his future wife, Lindsay at UC Boulder. Dr. Brian completed pre-med courses through Metropolitan State University then attended medical school at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, CO.
Because of his love of children and being a part of their lives- Brian chose a Residency in Pediatrics at the University of California- Davis in Sacramento, California.
While Brian and Lindsay were in California, they missed their family, friends, and Colorado. Dr. Brian reports that they chose to come back to Colorado so that he would be able to practice medicine “at home” as well as teach his kids “how to ski bumps on Mary Jane”. Brian and Lindsay have two children, Zach and Ethan.
Undergraduate Education:
Bachelors of Arts-Music : 1998
University of Colorado- Boulder
Medical Education:
Medical Doctorate : 2008
University of Colorado Health Science Center
Pediatrics : 2011
University of California Pediatric Residency
Pre-Med Education:
Pre-Medicine Metropolitan State University
In Practice Since: